
Friday, August 15, 2003


Chris welcomed me a while ago, but I just now got around to blogging on the site. I'm glad to be here nonetheless.

Anyway, headed to the State Fair in Sedalia for Legislative Day yesterday. Because of a miscommunication, we didn't end up handing out anything at the ham breakfast, but we did hang out at the Democratic tent for a while. Marie Gladback, who was in charge of the tent, was very supportive of our presence, even though someone had taken one of our signs down. While I did meet a few legislators (backing Gephardt), most striking was the fact that average fair patrons were very supportive of and interested in Dean. Gephardt's Missouri campaign director was there but no volunteers from his or any other campaign. I encourage anyone who has the chance to head to the fair this weekend, and bring any Dean stickers (or other paraphenalia) with you if you have any!

Howard Dean Holding Phone Fundraiser on Gephardt's Home Turf
" One of the leading Democratic candidates for President is making a foray into the heart of Gephardt Country.

Local supporters of the Howard Dean campaign will be at the Bevo Mill tonight for a phone-conference fundraiser with the former Vermont Governor on the line.

Is this a big deal?

'He's coming into Gephardt's turf, not physically, but by phone,' says St. Louis University Political Science Professor Ken Warren. 'That's somewhat embarassing for Gephardt.'

Warren says Gephardt is not doing as well as expected by now, and the political fact of life is he's lagging at number three in the Democratic pack behind Dean and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

'Dean doesn't have any chance of winning Missouri,' Warren says. 'But still, he will be able to raise some money here.'"

Thursday, August 14, 2003

RogerSimon.Com: The Advantages of Real Life

This is a must read, about watching the debates live, as opposed to on television. Don't miss the end.

Bush-Herausforderer: Bandenkrieg gegen Dr. Dean
Mit scharfen Attacken gegen George Bush, den Krieg und die "Feigheit" der eigenen Partei hat sich Howard Dean an die Spitze der demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerber gesetzt. Nun schlägt das Partei-Establishment zurück.
Berlin meetup is at 33.

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